Saskatchewan – Marketing 20

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Saskatchewan – Marketing 20


Module 1: Introduction to Marketing


Analyze the relationship between marketing and business or organizational success.


b. Describe the areas that marketing entails beyond selling and advertising.

e. Identify examples of commercial (e.g., Saskatchewan Roughriders) and social (e.g., ending mental health stigma or promoting the use of seatbelts) marketing.

f. Explain the concepts of brand and branding and the relationship between branding and marketing.

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Module 3: Consumer Behaviour


Analyze the relationship between consumer behaviour and marketing.


e. Reflect on personal experiences with the purchase decision process.

f. Examine factors that influence consumer buying behaviour including:

• situational (e.g., reason for making a purchase; social surroundings such as others present at the time of purchase; physical surroundings such as background music, decor and crowding; the time of day or amount of time the consumer has available; timing of the purchase [e.g., last-minute]; and the consumer’s mood);

• psychological (e.g., motivation, personality, perception, lifestyle, attitudes and beliefs); and,

• socio-cultural (e.g., word of mouth and opinion leaders; reference groups such as family, friends, celebrities or athletes; culture and sub-cultures).

h. Explain the concept of buyer’s remorse and its potential impact on both buyers and the sellers.

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Module 4: Successful Brands


Analyze strategies for successfully creating, marketing and managing a brand.


a. Describe the concept of a brand.

b. Differentiate between brand identity and brand image.

c. Discuss the importance of a strong brand image and a brand identity that resonates with consumers.

d. Examine the characteristics of a purpose-driven brand, including its potential impact on consumer behaviour.

e. Explain personal reasons for identifying with, and finding inspiration from, specific brands.

f. Explore the concept of brand positioning.

g. Identify types of brand positioning strategies such as cost-driven positioning, niche product positioning or quality of service positioning.

h. Assess the brand positioning strategies used by a variety of successful brands such as the Saskatchewan Roughriders.

i. Describe the concept of brand extension.

j. Provide real-life examples of brand extensions (e.g., a tech brand such as Apple adding watches to its product line).

k. Examine the concept of brand personality and the emotional response it intends to elicit in consumers.

l. Reflect on personal experiences with, and responses to, brand personalities.

m. Describe the concept of brand voice.

n. Identify real-life examples of brand voice used in the marketing of a variety of products.

o. Describe the concept of brand relationship.

p. Examine strategies for building strong brand relationships with customers including community building.

q. Discuss the importance of a brand recognizing, and differentiating itself from, competitors.

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Module 4: Personal Branding


Examine personal branding.


a. Describe personal branding.

b. Explore the components (e.g., who one is, what one stands for, the values one embraces and the ways in which one expresses those values) of a personal brand.

c. Identify elements (e.g., authenticity and consistency) of a successful personal brand.

d. Discuss how a personal brand can be impacted by online behaviour, including social media use.

e. Reflect on one’s personal brand including brand identity, image and voice.

f. Create a self-representation that depicts one’s personal brand and share it with a trusted friend, adult or family member.

g. Examine the relationship between personal and professional branding.

h. Recommend ways to establish and build a positive personal brand.

i. Describe the personal brand of at least one individual considered to be personally inspirational.

j. Research instances when personal brands have been negatively impacted and the reasons for each situation.

k. Develop a plan for maintaining or building one’s personal brand.

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Module 7: Digital and Traditional Promotion


Analyze the use of digital and traditional marketing strategies.


a. Differentiate between traditional (e.g., print, television, direct mail and outdoor advertising such as signage) and digital marketing (i.e., online).

b. Identify visible applications of traditional and digital marketing within the community.

c. Relate traditional and digital marketing to the promotion “P” in the marketing mix.

d. Assess advantages and disadvantages associated with traditional and digital marketing.

e. Examine the relationship between user behaviour (i.e., of the target audience) to the selection and application of traditional and/or digital marketing strategies.

f. Research how a variety of digital marketing models work, such as:

• content marketing;

• geofencing;

• search engine optimization;

• pay-per-click;

• social media marketing; and,

• email or SMS (i.e., short message service) marketing.

g. Assess the impact on marketing strategies of limitations (e.g., blocking of cookies) imposed by digital platforms.

h. Examine the use and impact of animation and video in modern marketing.

i. Defend the use of traditional, digital, or a hybrid of both types of marketing for a variety of given marketing scenarios.

j. Identify ways that consumer behaviour (e.g., online or through SMS) can be tracked and leveraged for marketing purposes.

k. Examine the types of consumer information that can be tracked through digital marketing.

l. Debate the ethics of tracking and leveraging consumer behaviour for marketing purposes.

m. Describe the concept of advertising avoidance.

n. Discuss actions (e.g., not sharing information, blocking pop-up advertisements on the computer and unsubscribing from newsletters) that consumers can take to avoid viewing or receiving advertising.

o. Propose ways in which marketers can effectively deal with consumer advertising avoidance.

p. Investigate the origins, evolution and impact of influencer marketing to the present day.

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